• Ms. Allgyer Levels Up Vocaulary

    In this lesson AMS 7th grade English students scanned the vocabulary words into the Post it Plus app and sorted them into groups based on their knowledge of positive or negative connotations. The words could sorted even further when determining word choice for a particular purpose.

    • STEM I - Clean-Up Our Water Supply

      Students complete various activities including, but not limited to, testing water from local water ways such as the Mississippi and Wolf Rivers, research, planning using organizational matrices, and building and testing prototypes - all leading to a culminating presentation and better understanding and appreciation for clean water. This presentation was given in front of a panel of experts including employees from the Arlington Public Waste Management and school district STEM and CTE supervisor, Jason Winkler and Kim Douglas. At the end of each presentation, panel experts were able to engage the student teams in questions about their project and give them feedback in order to help them make final adjustments to their filtration systems. Students ended with a visit to the Arlington Public Waste Management facilities and reflection of their experiences.

      • Get Organized with Mrs. Burns

        Each year, Mrs. Burns works with our 6th grade students on teaching them how to "adult" with their iPad. She walks them through the metacognitive process of thinking about how each person learns and how that can be different from anyone around them. They explore digital organizational strategies in Files and OneDrive to help them organize, name, and tag their content. Then, they dive into accessibility features on the iPad and in programs such as Immersive Reader that are designed to personalize the device specific for each learner. The calendar and Reminders can help them stay on track, and One Note provides an amazing digital Trapper Keeper to organize and collect all sorts of content and media to help the student retain and study material.

        In addition to meeting with all of our students, Mrs. Burns did a Facebook Live & YouTube Live for our ACS families on the same content. During a Lunch and Learn in our library media center, parents were invited to come to the school during their lunch break or watch live remotely as Mrs. Burns walked them through ways to help their child be organized on the iPad device. Click this link to watch the video created during that live event.

        • Staying Ahead of the Class

          Not only do our teachers work to stay on top of the latest in education trends in their content areas, they also continue to grow and develop what they know about the ever-changing and growing technology we have available to all of our stakeholders at AMS. They teach each other in small groups and in faculty meetings, go to workshops and find ways to share what they learn about new and present technologies. 

          teachers sharing ideas in training meeting

        • "Technology use for teachers at Arlington Middle School is a game changer. Teachers are able to quickly and easily compile and distribute learning materials for students using apps like OneNote, Freeform, and Schoology. We routinely model note-taking strategies and organization using these apps, allowing students to determine which methods work best for them and their learning styles. We also motivate students using gamification strategies; teachers routinely use websites like Quizizz, Kahoot, and Quizlet (just to name a few) to get students more excited about their learning. AMS teachers are willing to implement new games, in addition to other strategies, to increase student engagement."

          - Alana Fausel (8th grade Algebra I & Math teacher)