• Creative Writing

    Creative Writing students wrote their own poetry and short stories complete with student-designed art. They held poetry readings in class to help each other gain confidence in using their voice in front of their peers. In other work, students had their short stories and artwork printed and bound.Then they took their books to our district's elementary schools to partiicapte in Read Across America day and read their work to our young learners.


        student reading their poetry to the class

    • STEM Night

      During AMS STEM Night, we open our doors to the community to show off what our students have been working on throughout the building. Community business partners in similar fields to what we study in our own curriculum are assigned stations near their student counterparts. Our students working with drones and robotics are near the FBI drone pilots and other real-life companies to employ the techniques they are just beginning to learn in school. Students get to share their work and explain their designs to their peers, families, and community members. They get to be inspired by the professions that come and also show off their work. Students get to fly drone simulators and hear about how robotics is changing the study of disease at St. Jude. 

      • "Students at AMS use design programs to create artworks that solve specific, real-world needs such as poster and logo design and ideally spark a general interest in graphic design techniques."

        - Andrew McDougal (art teacher)

        "The technology that AMS provides for my daughter has helped her grow in her critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It has also helped her develop her creative side by enabling her to branch out on different apps that the school recommends."

        - Brenna Brown (parent of AMS student)