• Using Accessibility Features

    We all learn differently and in unique ways. Some may retain information better by listening to it being read to them, others need help making the noise go away and only focusing on a small amount of information at a time. There are so many native features on the iPad inside of Accessibility and also inside of app features like Immersive Reader, that every student can personalize their device and how they consume and produce content.

    • Ms Z headshot

      "As a teacher with ADHD, Apple technology has been a lifesaver. Its user-friendly interface and innovative features have transformed the way I navigate my daily tasks and engage with my students. From the effortless organization of my lesson plans to the powerful apps that help me stay focused, Apple technology has become my trusted ally, enabling me to channel my strengths and make a greater impact in the classroom."

      - Paula Zeballos (7th grade science teacher)