• Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is a federal law that includes several grants (Title Programs) for states and school districts. Federal funds received under ESEAare used for the following in order to enhance instruction and meet the needs of students:

    • Plan and implement high quality programs that promote student academic achievement
    • Purchase materials and equipment to enhance instruction
    • Provide professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators

    Overview of Title Programs

    Title I - Title I provides formula grants to school districts. These funds are used to help increase student achievement in language arts and math and supplement services provided by state and local funds. Highly qualified, academic interventionists have been hired this year with this funding. Title I funds are also used to support parental involvement and engagement in activities that encourage academic success.

    Title II - Title II funds are used to increase student achievement through recruitment, hiring, and retention of highly qualified and effective teachers and administrators. Instructional resources and professional development in core academic subjects are provided through Title II funding. This grant also provides funding for Master Teachers and Learning Coaches to be in each of our schools to support teaching and learning.

    Title III - Title III funds are used to support our English as a Second Language (ESL) program, which delivers additional academic services to students who have a primary language other than English. These students are provided with supplemental, research-based language instruction to increase English proficiency and student achievement. Title III funding is also used to provide high-quality professional development and reach beyond the classroom to support students’ parents in an Adult ESL Program.